Complete Pontoon Restoration (Amazing Before/After Transformation)

Have you ever watched the show Fixer Upper (or any show on HGTV for that matter)? What we do at Seelye Custom Marine is similar, but instead of old houses, we fix up old boats.

Our pontoon boat restoration service is the total transformation package. From deck repair/replacement, to new flooring, to new furniture/accessories, and beyond. So, when this beat up Sweetwater 2424 DF Electric arrived in our shop, we were eager to give it some new life again!

In this vlog, you’ll see us work our magic to completely transform this old and worn out pontoon and give it that modern, sleek look that makes you proud to take it out on the water.

Take a look:


Here’s a rundown of everything we did:

Flooring Replacement

  • We tore up the old and moldy blue carpet and replaced it with a gorgeous Infinity Woven Vinyl in the color Lead.

  • This included tearing up the carpet on the storage unites, toe kicks, and other small areas and replacing it with the same vinyl as well.

One of the things we love about woven vinyl (outside of its modern, stylish look) is the ease of clean up. Carpet often soaks up water and becomes difficult to clean and maintain (not to mention it holds on to smell). With woven vinyl, any spills or dirt can easily be wiped up.

New Skins/Graphics

  • The skins on this boat had seen better days. They were dirty and pealing badly. We were able to replace these along with adding new graphics with matching MC numbers.

  • By the end, the new blue skins offered a rich, smooth look that truly helped this boat pop!

Skins can be corrugated or smooth. This particular customer decided to run with a smooth finish. However, we can do either!

Accessory Upgrades

  • Many of the electronics and lights on this boat were pretty beat up. So we swapped out some of the old docking lights, radio, and speakers and replaced them with new ones.

While flooring replacement is a big deal, sometimes the biggest transformation comes from the details. No one wants to be in the middle of the lake on a gorgeous day with a radio that doesn’t work, right?

Being able to replace these accessories and electronics adds that finishing touch that not only helps this customer’s boat function better, but truly makes it feel brand new.

After all, if we’re already going to the trouble of replacing your flooring, why not take advantage of this time to upgrade some of your accessories too?

Here’s what we didn’t do:

Deck Repair/Replacement

  • Whenever we remove the furniture and flooring, we always inspect the deck to ensure there are not any major issues that need to be fixed. If there are, we can absolutely repair them! In some cases, we’ll even replace your entire deck if need be.

  • This customer’s deck was in great shape. So, outside of prepping it for new flooring, we didn’t need to do much.

Replacing Furniture

  • Similar to the deck, the customer’s furniture was also in decent shape, so we didn’t replace that either.

  • However, if they would have had torn seats or simply wanted to make this upgrade, we could have easily helped them purchase and install new tables, seats, or other furniture items as they’d like!

Toon Cleaning

  • After a while, the toons of your pontoon can start to look musty and worn. We can deep clean these so they look shiny and new!

  • This customer chose to opt out, but toon cleaning something we always recommend (especially if you’re going to the extent of having everything else redone).

Let’s compare costs:

Restoring your pontoon is a lot more affordable than you might think, especially when compared to the cost of purchasing a new one.

Let’s break down the numbers:

Flooring Replacement - $3,000-$4,200

New Skins/Graphics - $3,000-$3,800

Accessory Upgrades - $1,400-$1,700

TOTAL INVESTMENT - $7,400-$9,700

If you were to purchase a comparable make/model off of the showroom floor today, it would cost you anywhere from $35,000-$50,000.

Talk about keeping more money in your pocket, huh?

Let’s check out the final before/after:




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Ready to start your transformation?

Is this project making you take a second look at your old pontoon? There are so many ways we can help you spruce up your old boat so it looks brand new again!

Getting started is as simple as filling out the form on our contact page and scheduling your call to get a free estimate. Be sure to select, “Pontoon Boat Restoration” under services if that’s what you’re interested in.

Want to see more great before and afters? Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date on each boat that comes through the shop!